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Selamat siang sobat blogger kembali saya akan memberikan review produk sekaligus download link nya. Nah kali ini saya akan memberikan dan meminta anda untuk mengupdate software grafis anda salah satunya adalah produk dari adobe. Sekarang ini adobe telah memunculkan seri terbaru atau versi terbaru yaitu adobe cs6 apasih kelebihan dan keunggulan adobe cs6 ini dari produk adobe yang sebelumnya ? Mari kita temukan disini.

Languages: English, Japanese 

Adobe® Creative Suite® 6 Master Collection software delivers unprecedented performance with blazing-fast 64-bit native support and GPU acceleration. Groundbreaking new creative tools provide innovative ways to design for the latest devices. With exceptional power and precision, you can create inspiring experiences that go anywhere. 

See the top new features in CS6 Master Collection 
With groundbreaking new creative tools, you can deliver inspirational experiences virtually anywhere. Master Collection features 64-bit native support and GPU acceleration for unprecedented power across core components. 

Design without limits 
Tackle any creative challenge that comes your way. Use the ultimate professional toolset to explore new ways to design amazing print, web, and video experiences 

Work at the speed of your imagination 
Work fluidly on your most complex projects with tools newly optimized for speed and performance. Reengineered features let you create with significantly fewer steps for maximum efficiency 

Deliver virtually anywhere 
Reach more people in more places by designing to the latest web, mobile, and video standards. Create stunning, responsive experiences that fluidly adapt to virtually all screen sizes and form factors 

Photoshop CS6 Extended
Tampilan baru adobe photoshop cs6 extended

Illustrator CS6 
Adobe Illustrator cs6                   
InDesign CS6 
Acrobat X Pro 
Flash Professional CS6 
Flash Builder 4.6 Premium Edition 
Dreamweaver CS6 
Fireworks CS6 
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 
After Effects CS6 
Adobe Audition CS6 
SpeedGrade CS6 
Prelude CS6 
Encore CS6 
Bridge CS6 
Media Encoder CS6 

Supported languages: en_US, en_GB, ja_JP 
This is LS16 region 

OS: Window x86/x64 

Unpack, install 
Use Serial and Cracked 

Cara Instalasi: 
1.- Install the program. 
2.- Disconnect dulu dari internet. 
3.- Masukkan serial number dan pilih bahasa sesuai dengan keinginana kita. 
4.- Setelah instalation selesai, jangan jalankan/ jangan instal aplikasi lain, copy file amtlib.dll (supplied) disetiap directory dari masing masing adobe yang kamu instak. 
(contoh: "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Adobe \ Adobe Audition CS6" for a 32-bit) or ("C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Photoshop CS6 \" for a program in 64 bit) 

Download link :

Catatan :

Jika file rar dari download atau dari file sharing diatas ada yang membutuhkan pasword, passwordnya adalah  " hoot009" tanpa tanda kutip.

Terimakasih sekian dari saya sampai jumpa dilain posting.

Sumber :
< >

4 komentar:

  1. cara instal brush photoshop dan tutorial photoshop bahasa indonesia masuk kesini gan. Inspirasi tu desain

  2. thanks gan info tutorialnya

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